12 awarded SMEs in the first call of Individual Services launched by ELBE EUROCLUSTER

Submitted by Nerea Guinea on 23 May 2024

FSTI_First Inidivudal Services Call (RRSS)

Through the first call for Individual Services, ELBE EUROCLUSTER has funded 12 SMEs that have received support (up to 10.000€ per service) to cover the implementation of the different individual services.

Proposed individual services

  1. Access to test facilities: Provide easier access to existing labs or test-sites which are necessary for the completion of tests.
  2. International development: Support on building tailored identity shaping, implementing business agreements and joint collaborative projects.
  3. Market & business intelligence: Support can be (but is not limited to): reducing regulatory burden, providing access to market information, bottom-up analysis to identify vulnerable products/services, identification of the reasons for dependency on critical inputs, technologies, or infrastructures.
  4. Development and technology transfer: Support on assessing the transferability potential of some technology to another sector or solve a technical problem to enable technology transfer.
  5. Green and IT Technology expertise: Support from DIH and other providers to SMEs in their green and digital transition to improve their energy resource efficiency, progress in the IT transition and in IT based smart manufacturing.

Results of first call for Individual Services

Awarded SMEs Country Selected service Grant
3ST - SubSea Structural Technologies Belgium 4 10.000€
ACCUWATT Technologies France 3 10.000€
APAXA AS Norway 4 8.000€
Arrecife Energy Systems Spain 1 10.000€
GLOBOCEAN France 3 10.000€
HWS Sp. z.o.o. Poland 1 10.000€
HWS CONCRETE TOWERS S.L. Spain 4 10.000€
Keyseaobs France 2 10.000€
Mantis Consulting BV Belgium 1 10.000€
Minesto AB Sweden 1 10.000€
VH Quatrevingtreize France 1 10.000€
Zeuko SA Spain 5 2.000€

Stay tuned for the next calls!

Cluster organisation
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