Interregional cooperation consultation workshop
May 20th, 2022
10.00h. Welcome. Emilio Rull Quesada, onTech Innovation
10.05h Clusters policy at the Spanish Ministry of Industry. Jordi Llinares Sanjuan, General Subdirector of the Office of Digitization Industry and Collaborative Environments of the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism
10.20h. Presentation of AURORA project. Adrienne GENTIL International Project Manager and Coordinator of Aurora project
10.30h. Identification of synergies and cooperation areas for interregional projects. Marta Krutel, EU Policy Advisor at NCBR Office in Brussels
10.40h. Aumenta and Digiclusters: Examples of cooperation projects between IT and Agrifood ecosystems. Ira Racina, International Project Manager at Latvian ICT Cluster
10.50h Opportunities derived from European cooperation projects: the case of Iris Technology Solutions and AI-CUBE. Albert Torres, PMO Manager at Iris Technology Solutions
11.00h. International cooperation between clusters. Antonio Novo, President of European Cluster Alliance
11.10h. Digitalización para la gestión de residuos para la erradicación de vertedero: good practice example of intercluster collaboration. Miguel Carmona, Researcher at the University of Córdoba
11.20h. Q&A
Moderator: Emilio Rull Quesada, onTech Innovation.