This year, the ROHEALTH Cluster is organizing the 7th edition of the BeHealth event in collaboration with Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, the Center Region Support Association, the Transilvania IT Cluster, and the Romanian Society of Medical Informatics. The event, titled BeHealth & Digital – Hybrid International Event in Healthcare, will take place from October 22-25, 2024, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and online.
Through the interventions of over 100 speakers – renowned figures in the field, researchers, and entrepreneurs – the audience will learn in an initial plenary session about the latest funding opportunities, and in the following 15 panels about recent and timely topics that address the main areas of activity in the field.
Funding Opportunities for Health
Translational Medicine
Navigating the MDR and IVDR Regulatory Framework: Compliance and Best Practices
Education for Health
Materials for Health
Cancer Mission
Women in Research and Entrepreneurship
Bioeconomy for Health
Hospitals from Home
Medical Equipment and Instruments
CBRNE – Disaster Medicine
Space2Health & Health2Space
Health Policies and Research Infrastructure
Social Responsibility for Health
Clusters for Health and Internationalization