Last update date 22 January 2025

Description of measure

The main challenge of the CBC Clusters project is to jointly address shortage of skilled labor in SMEs working in cross-border areas’ dominant industries: paper and mechanical engineering in Belišće and agriculture in Sombor. To address these challenges, the project will set up a Quadruple Helix approach and in this way strengthen cooperation between the government, industry, universities and civil society organizations from Croatia and Serbia. More precisely, CBC Clusters plans to establish two cross-border clusters: one in the agriculture sector in Sombor, and the other one in the paper and mechanical engineering sector in Belišće. Moreover, partners will design a web-based tool for mapping renewable agricultural sources in the cross-border region and an online platform for information sharing on economic trends and business management.

Territorial validity
Thematic Priority
Recommendations of the EU expert group on clusters
Strategic challenges
Type of cluster support