CCG - Centro de Computação Gráfica
CCG - Centro de Computação Gráfica

Belgium: Flemish Region


The CCG/ZGDV Institute was created in 1993 as a private, non-profit making association. Its principal mission is applied scientific and technological research in the area of Computer Graphic and Information Systems, and it focuses on the development of activities and participation in national and international R&TD projects. CCG has as its constituent members the University of Minho and ZGDV - Zentrum fuer Graphische Datenverabeitung in Darmstadt, and various enterprises, as well as national and foreign institutions. In order to promote R&TD in Computer Graphics and Information Systems as areas of its basic competence, CCG also assumed the role of a centre for technological transfer from the University of Minho to Portuguese enterprises (industry and SME) and institutions. In particular, CCG takes part in the management structure of the Centro ALGORITMI in what concerns the R&D Strategic Programme 2015/2020 funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT).

CCG is also a founding member of… The cVIG’s (computer Vision Interaction & Graphics) laboratory is equipped with several state-of-the-art technologies under the scope of technological-scientific fields of the group. Follows a resumed list of available hardware:



Industrial Cameras + package of lens;


MSFT Kinect One;
Asus Xtion;
MSFT Kinect v1;


Augmented Reality:

MSFT Hololens;
Epson Moverio Bt 200;
HMD Trivision;
Vusix Wrap 920Ar;

Virtual Reality:

HTC Vive;
Oculus Rift;
CardBoards for Smartphone usage;

Human Machine Interaction:

Leap Motion;
EEG Emotic EPOC;
Remote Joystick;

Processing Units:

Embeded Systems:

Raspeberry PI;

High Processing Power:
i7-6950x 3Ghz; 64Gb ram; SLI 4-way Geforce GTX 1080 6GBram; 500GB SSD


The PIU laboratory has a CAVE environment comprising the following equipments


1 Projector Christie WV7K-J
…. CCG has a proven track experience of 23 years in executing R&D projects with its focal point on the market and company needs. Acts as an interface between the academia and the industry, thus using the knowledge developed in the university and applying it towards the needs identified by industrial entity.

The different department have specific competencies, which can be interconnect in the different phases of a project. With more detail, the different services that CCG can offer to the market are:

- Urban and Mobile Computing department

IoT - Connectivity between equipment and information systems to obtain a centralization of information; real time data collection with different technologies and sensors
Real Time Location Systems - information about real time location of people and equipment; systems based in virtual geographic barriers (geofencing); learning solutions based on space occupation (space learning)
Smart Industry - real-time follow-up of production lines; intelligent monitoring…. Yes. service.

Automotive - Chemicals - Electronics - Healthcare - Machinery - Textiles
High performance computing / cloud-based simulation services - High-performance production (flexibility, productivity, precision and zero defect) - Intelligent/ sensor-based equipment - Monitoring and control - Robotics / Human machine interaction - Smart Manufacturing / Industry 4.0 - Outsides system connectivity (communication, data transfer, wifi) - Other