CircInWater Internationalisation lump sum 2nd round
CircInWater Euroclusters project is launching its Internationalisation lump sum call. The Internationalisation lump sum is meant for an individual SME that is offering water-smart solutions, especially for the agrifood & energy-intensive industries, and that is willing to boost its development or growth via internationalisation activities towards North America (Canada & USA).
Between 10 and 12 SMEs will be selected and granted with a financial support of a maximum of €2 000/application to cover up to 100% of the eligible costs related to the travel and accommodation costs, registration fees and exhibition stands.
SMEs can apply for the three different CircInWater lump sum schemes that will be launched in 2023 and 2024 (Innovation, Knowledge, Internationalisation (Current Call), up to a maximum of €60 000 in total.
The internationalisation activities are eligible if they are related to at least one of the categories below:
Eligible activities Application round II (current call):
- Travel and accommodation to meet-the-buyer events in North America (Canada and/or USA)
- Travel and accommodation to international fairs/events focussed on agrifood & energy-intensive industries in North America (Canada and/or USA)
- Registration for meet-the-buyer or international fairs/events focussed on agrifood & energy-intensive industries in North America (Canada and/or USA)
- Exhibition stand at international fairs/events focussed on agrifood & energy-intensive industries in North America (Canada and/or USA)
- Travel and accommodation for visiting possible clients in North America (Canada and/or USA)
The eligible costs for Internationalisation lump sum Application round II are the fees related to:
- Travel and accommodation costs
- Registration fees
- Exhibition stands
Applicants can find complete information about the Internationalisation lump sum in the Guide for Applicants available in the CircInWater submission platform.
Eligibility criteria
Eligible participants:
- be an SME according to the SME definition of the EU;
- be established in one of the eligible countries (see the Guide for Applicants available in the CircInWater submission platform);
- be a member of a cluster organisation registered on the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP);
- not request for more than €60 000 within CircInWater lump sum schemes (innovation, knowledge, internationalisation).
In collaborative projects, all ‘Project Partners’ must meet all the above Eligibility criteria to submit the application and consider the proposal as eligible.
The applications must be submitted using the Application Form in the CircInWater submission platform. Before starting the submission process, applicants should read the Guide of Applicants available on this platform.
The information provided in the application must be actual, true, and complete to allow the proposal assessment. English is the official language of the CircInWater Open Call. Thus, all proposals must be in English. Only proposals with all the fields completed in the application form can be submitted.
Only the proposals fulfilling all eligibility criteria and completing all mandatory fields in the application form will be considered eligible. However, the proposal must be considered eligible to continue and finalise the submission process in the platform.
The timeline for the submission, evaluation, and implementation is as follows:
Round II
- 18/09/2024: Opening of the call. (12:00 CET)
- 12/02/2025: Latest date for the closure of the call (in case of call budget is not already exhausted).
- 26/02/2025: Latest results communicated.
- 12/03/2025: Latest date for financial agreement signature.
- 12/06/2025: End of internationalisation activity (the latest).
- 26/06/2025: Latest date for sending reporting.
Further information
- Applicants can find complete information about the Innovation lump sum in the Guide for Applicants available in the CircInWater submission platform.
- CircInWater contact: info [at] (info[at]circinwater[dot]eu)