The ECCP launched an application call for the Cluster Booster Academy. The Academy was a 4-day event, consisting of a 2-day online event (December 01-02, 2022) as well as a 2-day in person training session in Strasbourg, France (02-03 March 2023).
Managing a cluster requires a large range of skills to ensure efficient support to all cluster members and in particular SMEs. This is why a “Cluster Booster Academy” is needed. This is a 4-day intensive series of trainings offered by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform.
The Cluster Booster Academy aims to achieve the following objectives:
Provide learning opportunities for cluster managers to further develop their skills with regard to topics relevant to the cluster strategy, through tailormade training sessions delivered by experts
Meet the needs of European cluster management teams in their daily work, in particular to have the capacity to offer innovative, highly professional and diversified services to SMEs
Offer cluster management teams the chance to learn from each other’s experiences, discover new effective and efficient practices and tools, find inspiration for new services and business models through peer-learning
Provide the opportunity to cluster management teams to co-shape new European value chains and interlink the 14 industrial ecosystems through the interaction and knowledge sharing
Support cluster management teams and stakeholders in understanding and contributing to the European policies and programmes related to the global challenges, specifically the digital and green transitions and resilience
Help in developing better policy related to clusters
Improve the skills of clusters’ staff thanks to a “train the trainers” approach by disseminating their knowledge further
The Academy will take place annually and involves between 25 to 40 participants. This year, it will be organised for 4 days in a hybrid format:
2 days of online training sessions – December 01-02, 2022 (which will be organised and hosted on a platform managed by the ECCP team)
2 days of in-person training sessions at the University of Strasbourg – 02-03 March 2023 (~3 months after the virtual sessions to have time to put into practice the knowledge/ skills acquired).
The Cluster Booster Academx relies on the ‘hands-on approach’, therefore we want the participants to really apply the learned contents in the real world and help them to do just that. We will support you as participant on your journey to change with valuable feedback, know-how and experience. Finally, learning from each other, sharing challenges, working collaboratively on solutions with other cluster managers will further strengthen the learning effects.
Furthermore, this training course offers various interesting opportunities for you. Thanks to the presence of up to 40 Cluster managers from all over Europe as well as certified and experienced coaches, the participants can benefit from a tailormade training and thus enhancing their skills, establishing valuable new contacts and participating in interesting discussions. Furthermore, we expect fruitful synergies to arise between the CBA participants and the ECCP.
Who can apply?
The Cluster Booster Academy is looking for a diverse group of Cluster Managers interested in learning from experts, expand their network, share their own knowledge and coming from different backgrounds, level of experience, countries etc.
The call is open to cluster managers only who are:
registered on our ECCP platform as cluster managers being in charge of a Cluster Organisation;
managing a Cluster Organisation from an EU country or countries associated to the COSME strand of the Single Market Programme;
motivated and commit to attend all 4 training days, turn on camera in the virtual days and do the homework assigned to them in between the virtual and the physical trainings.
Financial contribution
The participation in the trainings is free of charge. Furthermore, food and drinks during the in-person trainings will be covered by the ECCP organisation team. The transport and accommodation costs are to be borne by the participants themselves and cannot be reimbursed by the ECCP team. In collaboration with the University of Strasbourg, we will send the final participants an info pack including hotel recommendations, transport options, etc.
How to apply and deadline for submission
European Cluster managers interested should fill out the application form. It must be submitted electronically by end of day (CET) on October 31, 2022 at the latest.
If you have any further questions regarding this call, please send an email to events [at] (events[at]clustercollaboration[dot]eu)