

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, in partnership with IGRETEC, Charleroi Métropole, and the European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA), organised the Clusters Meet Regions workshop on 27 and 28 November 2024, to explore how regional development agencies, clusters and other actors could foster stronger collaboration in the implementation of regional and national economic development policies. The specific aim of the event was to foster wider uptake and development of life sciences, cleantech, and advanced manufacturing in Belgium.

For the third consecutive year, AGORADA+, one of EURADA’s main annual events, was organised in cooperation in the context of “Clusters Meet Regions” workshop.

🗓️ Agenda

📋 Participant Booklet

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Presented materials during the event:

Day 1

Welcoming Address
Presentation of the EURADA-OECD Survey of Regional Development Agencies
Setting the Scene: From regional to local priorities for economic development. The key role of clusters and European funds
  • Dr. Jan-Philipp Kramer - Partner at Prognos AG and Team Leader Data & Policy at the ECCP - Download presentation
Panel discussion 1: Connecting regional and local economic development strategies with clusters
  • Lionel Bonjean - Director General - Economy, Employment and Research, Public Service of Wallonia, Belgium (SPW EER) - Download presentation
The transition of industrial zones into an integrated renewed territorial ecosystem
  • Thomas Dermine - State Secretary for economic recovery and strategic investments, Belgian Federal Government (now mayor of Charleroi) - Download presentation
  • Morena Vulpi - Project Management Officer, Charleroi Entreprendre - Download presentation 
Panel discussion 2: International practices, experiences, and success stories from adversity to Clustering
Pitching session: start-ups, clusters, & European funding opportunities
Insights from multidisciplinary actors on urban regeneration planning
Cluster Cleantech: cutting-edge sector from the industrial past
Panel discussion 3: Insights from multidisciplinary actors on urban regeneration planning
Fostering collaborative ecosystems as a major partner for industry
The advanced manufacturing sector in Wallonia
A6K: the success-story of an umbrella infrastructure
Tools for clustering “How to accelerate economic and scientific ecosystems for regions and territories?” 
  • Carlos Torrecilla Salinas - Head of Unit on Innovation Policies and Economic Impact, Joint Research Centre - Download presentation

Day 2

Kickstarting the innovation value chain towards a high-tech leading European ecosystem
The Brussels South Charleroi BioPark
Biotechnology for food: a potential towards a resilient and sustainable food system in Europe
Pitching session

The "Clusters meet Regions" series supports EU regions in boosting their competitiveness post-COVID-19 through closer collaboration between clusters and regional authorities. The 18th event in Charleroi, Belgium, will showcase the region's economic transformation, leveraging European and regional funds in sectors like Life Sciences, Cleantech, and Advanced Manufacturing. Charleroi’s shift from an industrial hub to an innovation-driven economy highlights the role of clusters. Three innovation clusters dedicated to collaborative innovation projects in Wallonia will contribute more specifically to the programme: Wagralim (technological, business or managerial innovation in the food industry), Greenwin (green chemistry, innovative building materials &processes, and environment) and Pôle Mecatech (engineering sciences applied to the manufacturing sector). The event aims to share these best practices and inspire other regions, fostering collaboration among stakeholders.

The 'Clusters Meet Regions' event in Charleroi served as a melting pot for diverse stakeholders. From cluster managers to policymakers, regional practitioners, development agencies and industry experts to SMEs, the event fosters cross-sectoral dialogue and collaboration, catalysing innovative solutions to pressing challenges.

The event's agenda featured a diverse array of activities, including high-level plenary sessions, interactive discussions, pitching sessions and a guided tour to District Cleantech, Charleroi BioPark, or Aperam Châtelet.

The event was organised in partnership with:

Green Win
Pole Mecatech
District Cleantech
Brussels South Charleroi Biopark

With financial support from:

Event Target
Event Type
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