

How can clusters and regions collaborate to leverage Generative AI (GenAI)? This EU Clusters Talk offers an inspiring example of how clusters can reinforce European capacities and value chains by partnering with regional governments.
In early 2024, several regions and clusters in Europe launched a new meta-network called "GenAI Europe", focused on developing European capacities in Generative AI. GenAI Europe aims to build a European mission-oriented innovation ecosystem that supports a radical growth of capacities and resources in generative AI, striving to achieve strong European leadership in these technologies. Their roadmap involves industry, academia, the public sector, and society, focusing on three levels of workforce training: highly expert capacities, intermediate-level skills for service providers and digital professionals, and basic capabilities for widespread technological application

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, organised the EU Clusters Talk “Leveraging Generative AI for Regional Competitiveness: an "EU Regions Week close to you" event” on 30 October, 8:30 – 9:45 CET, to discuss how to create a mission-oriented ecosystem for the development and industrial application of generative AI, explore the planned infrastructures for idea generation, demonstration, and testing, how the different stakeholders of the region will be involved, and why clusters can support the smart growth of regions and stipulate its economic development as strong partners of regional governments.

Speakers included:

  • Antonio Novo, President, European Clusters Alliance. Managing Director Cluster IDIA
  • María del Mar Paños, General Director for Industrial Promotion and Innovation, Government of Aragon 
  • Bianca Muntean, Transilvania IT Cluster Manager. Coordinator of The European Digital Innovation Hub in Transilvania  
  • Ola Svedin, CEO at OpenTech, COB at Clusters of Sweden 

This event is part of "The EURegionsWeek" series, connected to the EU Week of Regions and Cities. Between 7 October and 30 November 2024, these sessions will bring the EURegionsWeek close to communities all over the EU.


Please find here the slides of this EU Clusters Talk.

Watch the full recording of the webinar:

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