euWater4i-SD policy paper: "Facilitation tools for joint venture between environmental SMEs wanting to go international in non-EU countries"

Submitted by Louise Gubanski on 23 August 2024

policy paper

euWater4i-SD has produced highlighting the crucial role of tailored facilitation tools and financial support mechanisms in empowering environmental SMEs to expand internationally.

The paper begins by exploring the unique characteristics of the smart water sector, followed by an in-depth analysis of the barriers to international trade encountered by the SMEs active in this field. Using different sources. including the extensive data generated over the course of the three-year euWater4i-SD project, the paper provides valuable insights.

It demonstrates that clusters play a pivotal role in the internationalisation of SMEs by offering targeted support to overcome trade barriers, such as identifying business partners and establishing new value chains. The paper concludes with recommendations for policymakers,  including investing in capacity building, promoting collaboration within clusters, and leveraging existing funding opportunities to support SMEs’ internationalization efforts.

A summarising video can be found here:

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