Evaporative solution brings savings

© Andrei Merkulov, #221076842, 2019, source: stock.adobe.com


Energy Carbon Water
Investment cost:
High cost
Payback time:
Method has a short payback time.
High cost
Resource savings: Energy:
This method saves significant amounts of energy; up to 98 % compared to direct energy use.

With advanced evaporation solutions, industrial steam consumption can be reduced significantly, by up to 40 %. One example of an advanced evaporation solution is the Mechanical Vapor Recompression (MVR) evaporation method based on a closed steam cycle. It is a much more energy-efficient way of separating water from concentrated liquids than conventional evaporation methods. The approach is suitable for processes where no additional steam is present enough.

Using MVR, the steam is compressed by a fan or compressor to a higher temperature and pressure. This compressed steam is used as an energy source instead of direct steam. Compared to the use of direct steam, the method saves considerable energy. For customers, this means clear cost savings, lower CO2 emissions, and a better image.


  • MVR technology reuses secondary steam instead of primary steam so uses only a small amount of fresh steam
  • MVR does not require a cooling tower, greatly reducing the use of cooling water
  • MVR is more efficient than traditional multi-effect evaporation technology which saves energy, greatly reducing operating costs
  • MVR is truly energy-saving, water-saving, environmentally sound, and helps with resource recycling
  • MVR achieves low-temperature evaporation, greatly reducing the impact on the material

Adven's Recovery, link: https://www.adven.com/en/adven-recovery/

Customer reference, DuPont Group’s FinnFeeds Finland: new evaporation method reduced plant’s energy consumption by a third, link: https://www.adven.com/en/references/dupont-groups-finnfeeds-finland-new-evaporation-method-reduced-plants-energy-consumption-third/

Epcon Evaporation Technology As, brochure (PDF, in Finnish), link: http://ajonapu.com/PDF/EPCON_catalogue2011_FIN1C.pdf

Andritz Mechanical Vapor Recompression (MVR) evaporator, learn more: https://www.andritz.com/products-en/group/pulp-and-paper/pulp-production/kraft-pulp/evaporation-plants/mvr-evaporators

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