EXTRA LIGHT Webinar: How is the public sector facilitating SME participation in public procurement?
Do you know how the access of new innovative players like startups and SMEs to the public procurement market can be facilitated?
If not, join our webinar and learn more!
On Tuesday 08.03.2022 from 10:00 to 12:00 CET, ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance and EXTRA LIGHT consortium is organizing the WEBINAR on “How is the public sector facilitating SME participation in public procurement?”
The webinar is open to all cluster organizations and interested SMEs!
REGISTER HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tq14AgrdQFmggIvFoyNtkA
This is the second online capacity-building workshop that the EXTRA LIGHT project offers to all interested cluster managers and their SMEs to learn more about public procurement collaboration schema, participation phases, risk-sharing, and better understand the end-to-end process to procure R&D&I with best practices showcasing.
Webinar content topics:
a) Demand-side and supply-side collaboration schema:
Joint vs. Coordinated procurement
Subcontracting vs. teaming agreements
b) Companies feedback and lessons learned:
How the access of new innovative players (e.g. startups, SMEs) to the public procurement market can be facilitated
How the risks and benefits of designing, prototyping, and testing new products and services can be shared between procurers and suppliers
c) End-to-end process to procure R&D&I - best practices:
Need assessment and elicitation
Need description and functional/performance requirements elaboration
State of the art assessment and Open Market Consultation
Business case modeling
Contract Management
Post-contractual management