FGOI: Exploratory Visit in Third Countries in South Africa, coordinated by Interior Cluster Sweden

The FGOI consortium, represented by the Interior Cluster Sweden (https://interiorcluster.se/in-english) , will be present in South Africa in 24-29 April 2022. During the exploratory visit, the swedish delegation will attend the Sweden Connect Business Summit, hosted by City of Cape Town at Misfits by Ideas Cartel. Moreover, the delegation will participate in meetings with stakeholders of interest in Cape Town.
The objectives of the South Africa exploratory visit are to:
CREATE AN INTERNATIONALISATION COOPERATION FRAMEWORK – develop permanent and strategic collaboration agreements among the European partnered clusters in order to support SMEs internationalization activities in South Africa;
IDENTIFY SPECIFIC MARKET OPPORTUNITIES – detect at least 2 „hot spots” in South Africa that could lead to new business opportunities for the European & African furniture industry;
ESTABLISH FORMAL RELATIONSHIP WITH THE KEY PLAYERS IN THE TARGETED MARKETS – identify 4-5 key players who could help to develop new collaborative opportunities in European & African countries and establish a strong relationship framework with them)
CREATE NEW SERVICES TO SUPPORT SMEs INTERNATIONALISATION – identify, develop and promote 2-3 internationalization added value services in South Africa;
Visit the official website of the project for more information about the agenda of the exploratory visit, as well as about the project's activities: https://fgoi.eu/fgoi-events/exploratory-visit-south-africa/
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