Furniture Go International - The organisation of the first cluster & exploratory visits!

The FGOI Consortium is starting, this month, the organization of the first cluster and exploratory visits. Currently, representatives of the partner’s clusters, as well as companies in the cluster and interested parties, will attend the delegations both on-site and online.
The calendar of the first visits is:
- 30th – 31th March - Bulgaria, Sofia, organized by the Bulgarian Furniture Cluster (
- 14th-15th April - Slovenia, Ljubljana, organized by the Wood Industry Cluster (
- 3rd – 10th April – Exploratory Visit in South Africa, organized by Transylvanian Furniture Cluster (
The objectives of the visits are:
- To meet representatives of the furniture industry within the targeted countries, companies participants in FGOI initiatives from the clusters that make up the consortium, as well as representatives from the public administration.
- Develop permanent and strategic collaboration agreements among the European partnered clusters to support SMEs internationalization activities in the targeted countries
Organizations and companies will have the opportunity to attend networking sessions, where they will be able to select and schedule meetings on common topics such as export & import, direct investments, and partnership in international projects.
News about the events will be posted on the official website of the project:
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