Furniture Go International - Second cluster visit in Ljubljana, Slovenia

The cluster visit to Slovenia, organized by the Wood Industry Cluster, will focus on a multi-day sectoral approach.
The delegation will participate to the Slovenian system of internationalization support event, bringing together policy makers, representatives of the industry and researchers. This year’s central theme is Slovenia’s new industrial strategy and the role of the wood sector in it, climate change and the circular economy, staffing and internationalization.
As part of the Slovenian woodworking day, a thematic section dedicated to internationalization will be organized, where the state’s activities in support of the internationalization of companies, examples of good practice and the international FGOI project will be presented. Moreover, the delegation will visit the laboratories and the testing facilities of four Slovenian furniture companies, as well as meet online with the Italian Wood Furniture Home Cluster FVG.
The agenda of the events organized through FGOI can be found on the official website of the project:
The project's platform for continuous networking and for hybrid streaming can be visited here:…
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