Hemp (Cannabis sativa), also called industrial hemp, is a plant of the family Cannabaceae cultivated for its bast fibre or its edible seeds. Hemp originated in Central Asia. Hemp cultivation for fibre was recorded in China as early as three millennia back and was practiced in the Mediterranean countries of Europe early in the Christian era, spreading throughout the rest of Europe during the Middle Ages.
Hemp crop has great potential for expansion, due to its versatility, being used to make a variety of commercial and industrial products (ropes, textiles, clothing, shoes, food, paper, bioplastics, insulation, biofuels). Hemp oil can be used to obtain oil-based paints, can be used as moisturizer or for cooking. Hemp seeds can be eaten raw or processed.
In this context, the HempClub project is organizing an online Working Group to increase the knowledge and competitiveness of hemp actors by providing information about multiple aspects regarding hemp growing and uses. The event, combining presentations and discussions, aims to empower and mobilize innovation actors that are active in the hemp sector, creating new bridges and leading to new collaboration possibilities.
The general objective of the second Working Group organized by HempClub project is to bring together actors from various sectors (clusters, associations, research environment, academia, etc.) and discuss about hemp related issues and share experience and know-how. The discussion will focus on:
- presenting Romanian clusters integration in global value chains;
- presenting the Romanian Cluster for industrial hemp in a global context;
- presenting Romanian legislation for the medicinal use of hemp;
- presenting hemp varieties cultivated in Romania;
- presenting technologies for hemp cultivation and harvesting.
Who should participate? All stakeholders of the bio-based industries are encouraged to participate, especially cluster managers and members, professors, researchers, business owners, etc. in the field of growing, processing, using hemp for industrial, medicinal, cosmetic, nutritional, etc. purposes.
If you are interested to know more about the industrial hemp and its growing potential, sign up using the following link: