Last update date 12 November 2021

Description of measure

The Korean New Deal comprises three key strategies - the Green New Deal, Digital New Deal, and Stronger Safety Net. The Korean government implements various projects/measures under the Green New Deal, one of which is 'Innovation in the Green Industry' which aims to 1) promote prospective businesses to lead the green industry and establish low-carbon and green industrial complexes/clusters (green companies and industry, smart green industrial complexes, eco-friendly manufacturing processes), 2) lay the foundation for green innovation via the R&D and financial sectors (GHG reduction, fine dust response, promotion of resource circulation, green finance). Budget: 7.6 trillion won (EUR 56 million) including 6.3 trillion won (EUR 46.5 million) from the treasury will be invested by 2025, creating 63,000 jobs.

South Korea
Territorial validity
Thematic Priority
Type of cluster support