Launch of the NAMS platform for Technology infrastructures

Submitted by Caroline Amiot on 14 August 2024

NAMS Launch

In the framework of the Deepsupport partnership, the partners collected and compiled information about the infrastructures available in all the regions involved in Austria, Finland, Slovenia, Hungary and Italy. The objective of this work is to promote the available technology structures of the regions and to make the equipment more accessible for other organisations to use. The platform shows which infrastructure is available to whom (SMEs, Startups, RTO…) 

During the delegation visit organised by Photonics Finland, the participants discovered that VTT Research center was giving access to a part of their clean room facilities to companies, which lead to successful collaboration and fast development of Dispelix innovation. This platform will allow other companies to access similar services in their regions and drive forwards their innovation.

The platform can be found here.

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