
With the advent of increasingly integrated global-value chains and the continuous drive to innovate, trade fairs have become one of the most important and most efficient instruments for accessing new markets worldwide. Although attending a trade fair or exhibition can reap substantial benefits, SMEs should be aware of the possible risks for their Intellectual Property protected -or protectable- creations, products and services that are implied.

In this context, EEIA (the European Exhibition Industry Alliance, a cooperation between the European Members of UFI - the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry - and the Members of EMECA - the European Major Exhibition centres Association) and the International IP SME Helpdesks join forces to carry out a unique webinar that will provide an overview of Intellectual Property protection strategy for EU SMEs specifically on how to be ready before, during and after a trade fair or exhibition in China, South-East Asia and Latin-America. During this online training attendees will have the chance to get a concrete understanding of all any EU SME needs to know on this topic through true-story based examples, tips and tricks, and tailored-made answers to their enquiries.

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