Meeting of the CORNET Project
After six months of intensive work on the project "Modern Coating Thermal Barriers with Polymer-Derived Ceramics Interlayers for Critical Components of Aircraft Engines," we held our first preliminary meeting to summarize the activities to date on October 17.
The PDC-TBC project, co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development under the 35th competition of the CORNET initiative, aims to develop innovative thermal coating technologies that are crucial for the aviation industry.
Our efforts focus on improving the efficiency of aircraft engines through the use of lightweight TiAl alloys and advanced polymer-derived ceramic materials.
Consortium Partners:
-Silesian Aviation Cluster
-AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow
-Rzeszów University of Technology
-GfKORR - Gesellschaft für Korrosionsschutz e.V., Germany
-DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut (, Germany
User Committee:
-Glider Factory "Jeżów" - Henryk Mynarski
-Jerzy Mastek
-TP Diatel
-MSP INNTECH Sp. z o.o.
-WP Aero-Tech
During the meeting, we conducted a study visit to AP Aircrafts in Jasienica. We sincerely thank all our partners for their support and trust, and we look forward to fruitful cooperation in the future.