One-stop-shop portal for digitalising business and working practices of SMEs in the construction sector

The DCSME-website which is specifically designed for SMEs in the construction industry offers the following services:
- A digital maturity scan, available in two versions (quick and in-depth) to help construction SMEs evaluate their digitalisation level;
- A handbook which includes next steps and recommendations on how to further digitalise construction SMEs;
- A collection of best practices provided by construction SMEs which implemented digitalisation projects, detailing experienced benefits of and barriers to digitalisation;
- A training calendar offered to SMEs to further deepen the knowledge provided in the handbook.
The webinar sessions which are offered as part of our training calendar are designed to help you to get a clear understanding of the criteria and implications of:
- a digital transformation strategy
- the set-up of a digital company culture and processes
- the integration of new (digital) technologies.
The webinar sessions will provide hands-on help on how to select and implement the required methodologies provided in the handbook by considering individual challenges. Moreover, they intend to provide an open space for sharing your challenges, experiences and to learn from your peers.
The webinar sessions address the whole ecosystem of construction SMEs and participation is free of charge.
Please feel invited to sign up directly via our website and to share the news with the addressed SMEs.
The DCSME-Team is looking forward to getting in touch with you and them!
Disclaimer: The DCSME-Team a project consortium consisting of Ecorys, TNO, IMP³ROVE and EMG Group and act on behalf of the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) and DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW).