Optimisation was the key to saving energy at Manuplast

Timing is everything!
- Optimising heating process, repaired leaks and energy-efficient motors cut 41 tonnes of CO2 annually
- Annual saving of € 5 000
In 2007, Manuplast carried out a complete energy audit, including production facilities, air compressors and the water-cooling system, which highlighted where consumption could be optimised in three key areas: the way production equipment is heated, leaks in the compressed air network, and machine upgrades.
A production planning review led to better synchronising of the machine temperature with production needs. The exact heating time for machine tools is set so that the optimum operating temperature is reached at the precise moment when production has to start.
At the same time, a vast campaign to reduce compressed air leaks was launched, coupled with the installation of electro-valves on cooling bellows: the air is no longer continuously blown out, but only when cooling is required. As a result, compressed air consumption decreased from 10 % to 15 %.
Lastly, the hydraulic motors of the production machines were replaced by more energy-efficient electric motors and the injector pressure was optimised. The electrical consumption of the injection process has thus decreased by 50 %.
Key benefits
Together, these actions avoided around 41 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. The changes were also good for Manuplast's bottom line, generating an annual saving of € 5 000, with a return on investment within two years.
Ademe (2012), Economies d’énergie chez Manuplast à La Ferté-Macé (61), http://www.ademe.fr/sites/default/files/assets/documents/economies-ener…