Packaging Cluster presents its agenda of activities 2023 and 6 technical courses

- The organisation offers various specific training courses ranging from mastering Power BI, improving productivity, effective communication, agile leadership skills or sustainability applied to plastics or packaging design
- The Activity Plan will include more than 3 monthly sessions, with a hybrid and networking format
On 17 January, the Packaging Cluster unveiled live part of the catalogue of services available to its more than 130 member companies and organisations: an Activities Plan with more than 35 proposals to promote networking and business cooperation; and a Training Plan with 6 courses to promote talent in the packaging industry.
The Packaging Cluster closed 2022 with more than 40 activities focused on the competitive improvement of its members, with conferences on innovation, best practices, startups, sustainability, exchange of experiences or the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the entity, where the new image of the cluster was presented.
Among the demands of the cluster ecosystem is the need to generate more spaces in which to strengthen relations with a strong and resilient business network. This is how the #PackagingNET conferences were born, face-to-face sessions to inspire debate, reflection and synergies. The first meeting will take place on 21 February with Enric Crous as guest speaker, former CEO of Estrella Damm, Mercabarna and Fira Barcelona.
In addition to the PackagingNETs that we will be seeing during the year, there will be panels with experts on hot topics, such as the recently approved new Royal Decree on Packaging and Packaging Waste, which will be explained by the Packaging Cluster on 8 February.
There will be two important events in 2023, one in June and one in December. In early summer, the Annual Assembly of the entity will be held and the Strategic Dive will return with a renewed touch; and before Christmas, all members and stakeholders will be called for the first Packaging Cluster awards.
For the third consecutive year, the organisation is launching a technical plan of courses to renew current skills and adapt the curricular profile of packaging experts to the new world. A plan led by Montse Castillo Malivern, a teacher and professional who has first-hand knowledge of packaging materials and processes, and who acts as a bridge between technological developments and the industrial implementation of new packaging through the consultancy firm she founded, RepaQ Packaging Consulting.
The first course starts on 6 March and we will learn how to build an interactive dashboard through Power BI, with which to visualise and analyse data. Salvador Morata will be the teacher in charge of the training aimed at all those professionals who are passionate about Business Intelligence and frequently use Excel.
Rethinking Packaging celebrates its third edition with a positive rating of 4.13 out of 5, as explained by former students. It is a specific training with which to define the circularity of your packaging in several layers: regulatory framework, diagnosis of circularity, strategies to implement and communication with the consumer. The teaching team will be made up of Montse Castillo, Aida Enrech, Julia Gassol Bou and Elisabet Amat, distributed in 20 hours in hybrid format, starting in May.
Together with Iñaki Bustínduy, an expert in management and management skills, we will carry out two educational proposals in June on Time Management and Agile Leadership. These will provide the foundations for understanding new production paradigms.
In October, an intensive course on Effective Communication will be given by Isabel Molas, a specialist in personal development. With Isabel, we will delve into 2 sessions of 5 hours each, how to present in public to capture the attention of your audience.
Finally, RepaQ and AIMPLAS join forces to talk about the Circularity of plastics, in a context marked by the new indirect tax on plastic. It starts in November and will be 12 hours of virtual training aimed at all those who work in the world of plastics and want to know the obligations of the new regulations.
In addition, some cluster members offer training programmes designed with all the professional knowledge of their own discipline. This is the case of the multinational Aggity, which this year launches the first hybrid programme on advanced analytics Executive program Big Manufacturing Analytics, which starts on 7 March and is aimed at professionals in operations and production processes.
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