REC-N-COMP: Call for Pitches, apply to participate in the mission to Singapore

The REC-N-COMP project, co-funded by the COSME Programme of the European Union, will support the internationalization of European SMEs having recently set-up, fine-tuned and consolidated their business in the production of recycled-based composites and/or sustainable recycled materials and their manufacturing technologies, using as input materials end-of-life waste coming from different sectors as Textile&Clothing, Automotive and Furniture. The project partnership will implement and test a joint internationalization strategy for SMEs of recycled-based composites value chain towards specific third markets: the USA, Japan and Singapore.
Call for Pitches for SMEs applications to the mission in Singapore (18-22 September, 2023)
This call is specifically open for the mission in Singapore.
From May 10th to June 16th, SMEs can apply to take part in the mission.
While in Singapore, the REC-N-COMP team will provide the participants with a series of activities to bring together SMEs and other stakeholders, with the high potentiality of collaboration in technological innovation and technology transfer.
The official mission aims to propose the following activities:
- B2B meetings with local companies
- Individual meetings with local stakeholders
- C2C meetings (cluster to cluster) and agreements signature
- Visit to companies, research labs, incubators or agencies/associations
Visit to the Singapore Design Week and FIND fair.
Why apply?
The Call for Pitches offers a unique opportunity for SMEs to participate in a mission to Singapore.
The participants selected on the basis of the score assigned, will receive a lump sum to refund the costs for one person’s trip to the destination country. The lump sum available for each single company the mission to Singapore is 2,360.00 Euros. The participation in the activities of the mission themselves is free of charge, as the organisation costs are covered by the budget of the REC-N-COMP partnership.
Application process and useful links
In order to be eligible for the Call, the following information and documents must be submitted starting from Wednesday 10 May 2023 and before the deadline of Friday 16 June 2023:
- Application Form:
- 3 Slides to be prepared in accordance with the prefilled model including:
- Slide of company presentation explaining the key features of the company.
- Slide explaining the potential offer within the recycled-based composites and/or sustainable recycled materials sector for the selected country and the potential impact for the company applying; the quality level and ambition of the offer will also be assessed.
- Slide explaining the needs within the sector addressed to Singapore.
These slides must be submitted in .pdf format to the following email: leonardo.marchetti [at] (leonardo[dot]marchetti[at]tecnotex[dot]it) with the subject “REC-N-COMP CallForPitches_ApplicationTitle_Company “
The Applicant form must be already filled when emailing the slides. The email receiving date and time will be considered as the submitting date. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to acknowledge receipt of the application.
The full terms and conditions of the call are available here.
The companies submitting an application must be SMEs according to the EU legislation and have headquarters or a branch office in one of the Partners countries (Italy, France, Belgium or Poland).
Being a member of one of the Organizing Partners’ clusters will be considered a rewarding criteria in the selection.