RESIST : REsilience through Sustainable processes and production for the European automotive InduSTry
The RESIST ( REsilience through Sustainable processes and production for the European automotive InduSTry ) – Euroclusters project
• Explanation of the call and its objectives
The goal of the RESIST (REsilience through Sustainable processes and production for the European automotive InduSTry) Euroclusters project open-call is to provide financial support to European SMEs, start-ups and/or mid-cap companies working in the Automotive, Transport and Mobility ecosystem (ATM) to develop more sustainable production tools leading to economic success and resilience improvement in the face of future market changes and crisis of the ATM.
The RESIST Eurocluster will provide cascade fundings to distribute public funds and generate opportunities for SMEs, start-ups and/or mid-cap companies working in the Automotive, Transport and Mobility ecosystem (ATM), in the adoption or development of digital technologies. The aim of this Call is to develop an innovation project for a duration of maximum 9 months, answering to one of the three challenges:
- Optimised digitalisation in my company through the incorporation of advanced technologies in the Automotive-Transport-Mobility ecosystem
- Provide innovative solutions to obtain greener production systems or greener products
- Turning to renewable energy innovations in my production line
Eligible Criteria:
Only SMEs, start-ups and/or mid-cap companies from the Automotive-Transport-mobility ecosystem will receive funding from RESIST.
Proposals will be made by SMEs in a consortium or individually:
For projects with a consortium of several eligible applicants, a Project Manager will be assigned and will mentor and guide the team throughout the whole project.
Under this call, up to 15 projects will be funded with a maximum funding of 30 000€. Individual eligible applicants will receive financial support of a total of 20.000 € per applicant. Applicants in a consortium with other applicants from 2 to maximum 3 different regions will receive 30 000 € per applicant. Beneficiaries from different regions are encouraged to work together to enhance collaboration and regional development. That is why the funding is more significant.
The maximum amount to be granted per applicant in the framework of the RESIST project shall not exceed €60.000 in total even in the case of multiple granted financial support scheme types (lump sums) to the applicant during the lifetime of the project.
• Call duration
From 19 April 2023 to 21 June 2023
Relevant or necessary links.:
Submission of your proposal has to be done in the Submission platform page:
Euroclusters FSTP