Resource-saving cleaning technology for heat exchangers

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Air Energy Water
Manufacture and repair of metal products, machinery and equipment
Investment cost:
High cost
High cost
Associated cost savings: Energy
98-99 %
Size of company:
Micro (less than 10)
Advancement in applying resource efficiency measures:

Quiet muscle for toughest tube-cleaning jobs     

  • Blocked or obstructed tube bundles need to be cleaned to run efficiently
  • Using a dedicated tube cleaning technology saves on water, chemicals and even replacement costs

AC-Rädler, Austria develops machines and processes for energy and resource-saving in industry and heating. The company produces the Rädler tube cleaning (RTC) device for tube bundle systems such as exhaust gas-heat exchangers in industrial processes. Well-functioning heat exchangers reduce emissions and energy costs.

The RTC can completely remove hard deposits and blockages in tube bundle exhausters so they run more efficiently. Total blockages are removed in one operation. No chemical flushing is necessary. The low-power device is relatively quiet for day use or continuous operations and safe to use during night-cleaning operations.

Instead of high-performance pressure cleaning or pumps with up to 480 kW and water consumption of 30-180 litres per minunte, the RTC operates at 5 kW/h and consumes 8-10 litres of water per minute. The RTC is a robust working machine for mobile, horizontal and vertical cleaning applications directly on the exchanger.

Key results

  • Exchangers totally free of deposits
  • Efficiency improved and increased performance
  • Resource reduction
  • Reduction of the cleaning time
  • No noise pollution
  • Avoid fossil fuel

Replacing a completely blocked graphite tube heat exchanger (scrap exchanger), for example, costs around € 129 000. A thorough RTC cleaning costs around € 5 000.

AC Rädler Umwelttechnik GmbH website, Resource Efficiency Website Austria,

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