Simple but effective waste management in a convenience store

© NewFabrika, #274847034, 2019, source:


Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery Wholesale and retail trade (exc. motor vehicles)
Investment cost:
Low cost
Low cost
Size of company:
Small (less than 50)
Advancement in applying resource efficiency measures:

Small actions with a big impact

  • Waste management in a convenient store led to 75 % reduced waste volume and € 3 500 annual savings 
  • The move offers pointers to other small businesses seeking to trim their costs

Mo's Convenience Store used to produce 3 600 litres of waste a week which cost around € 400 a month to landfill. The owners made a few simple changes and managed to reduce waste to a third (1 200 litres). Overall, the move prompted a whole new approach to waste management and environmental responsibility and led to substantial savings over the year.

The store's drive to reduce its waste offers pointers to other businesses seeking to trim their costs and boost their eco-credentials. A first step was to start sorting their waste into glass, plastics, and paper to ensure all recyclable materials were diverted from landfill. 

Key benefits

These simple measures led to a 75 % reduction in waste volume, which positively reflected on the waste disposing bill. The cost was reduced to € 100 a month which adds up to annual savings of € 3 500.

The shop proved that sustainable practices can become embedded in the day-to-day running of even the busiest store. And that success breeds success, building up to longer-term savings and efficiency.

Resource Efficient Scotland, 2018, Reduce Waste, Mo’s convenience store makes big dent in its waste costs,

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