Sustainable and energy-efficient German bakery

© auremar, #134266806, 2019, source:


Sustainability Energy Carbon
Manufacture of food, beverages and tobacco
Investment cost:
High cost
High cost
Associated cost savings: Energy
80-85 %
Co2 emission reduction:
91% of CO2
Size of company:
Small (less than 50)
Advancement in applying resource efficiency measures:

Next step, CO2 neutral...

  • Sustainable and energy-efficient bakery radically cuts CO2 emissions
  • Its energy strategy reduces energy consumption by half

Ihr Bäcker Schüren is a German bakery almost completely sustainable and energy efficient. The company's strategy is based on three energy-relevant pillars: hot, cold and heat recovery.

The 'hot pillar' relates to the ovens; the bakery switched from gas to a 100 % biomass heating system. The 'cold pillar', the refrigeration system, has been reconfigured: instead of air, the compressors use water which is recooled through geothermal heat exchanger tubes. This change saves 80-85 % of energy compared to a traditional refrigeration system. The third pillar recovers heat from the 'hot pillar' for the benefit of the 'cold pillar', and covers the entire heating and hot water needs of the bakery, the administration, and the bakery shop. 

Key benefits

The bakery uses climate-friendly electric and natural gas cars to deliver goods to its subsidiaries. The delivery routes and logistic are closely studied to find the most efficient options. 

With these measures, the bakery reduces its CO2 emissions by 91 % and saves more than 50 % in energy use. Ihr Bäcker Schüren is now aiming to become a fully CO2-neutral company.

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