Tèxtils.CAT, together with its member Gremi Tèxtil continues creating resources for the green transition of the textile industry participating in a new project

Tèxtils.CAT, the Catalan cluster of advanced textile materials, participated last December in the kick-off of a new project called In4Sustain in Rome, Italy.
The cluster is supporting its member Gremi Tèxtil – Institut Industrial de Terrassa in this project, which aims to develop innovative training materials targeted to the textile and clothing industry to facilitate the green transition across the whole value chain.
The partnership is composed by 7 members: CIAPE, the coordinator (Italy), TITERA (Slovenia), CITEVE (Portugal), Link Campus University (Italy), Gremi Tèxtil (Spain), STEP intitute (Slovenia), and Materially (Italy).
To achieve their goals, the partnership will produce a roadmap that will guide partners on which training methods to be used and how to implement them properly across the industry, to advance on the green transition. Additionally, a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) will be developed to provide industry with resources to foster the green transition based on the roadmap developed.
Gremi Tèxtil is receiving the cluster’s support in their duties and tasks. It is responsible for preparing the "train the trainers" test that will serve to train members of the consortium who will then replicate workshops in their countries on how to implement the resources created with the respective industries, companies and target groups.
Additionally, the consortium will develop a guide that will compile success stories and practical tips about textile sustainability from consumers and T&C companies as a valuable practical tool to complement the whole green transition pack.
Tèxtils.CAT and its members’ testimonial: https://youtu.be/-C73fwr8GdE