Training materials library and training paths for the key occupational profiles of the furniture sector

The aim of this document is to provide an analysis of the training resources available in the fields of circular economy and digitalization, specifically tailored for the furniture/furnishings industry. This study aims to gather comprehensive information on various learning resources, categorize them, and align them with the most significant professional profiles identified in the furniture industry based on the SAWYER study (this research was led by AMBIT).
On the first part, the document includes an overview of available learning resources. A detailed compilation of training resources categorized by their type, topic, and other relevant attributes. Each entry includes specific information such as the type of learning resource, title, content description, keywords, author, institution, link, EQF level, ECVET points (or ECTS), language, and media type.
On the second part, the document includes, the key 11 occupational profiles selected and analysed from the ESCO classification (European classification of Skills/Competences, qualifications and Occupations) with the related ISCO identification code. Finally, the assignment of the relevant training resources to each professional profile (in the final table, ANNEX) suggests how to ensure that the workforce is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge (training paths).
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The aim of the RE-CENTRE project is to support SMEs from the three sectors involved (furnishing-living spaces, IT and green) in the development of innovation projects and new business models to become more competitive and resilient through collaboration.
In RE-CENTRE there are four clusters involved: CSM - dID, AMBIT - Living Spaces Cluster, CLUJ IT Cluster and Green Synergy Cluster.
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