2022 Webinar Xchange banner


The BLUES project is organising the webinar ‘ClusterXChange programme: Participation tips and next BLUES actions’, next March 25th, 15.00-16.00h.

The objective of the session is to present the ClusterXchange programme and its rules, main procedures and participation tips, as well as its benefits, to engage future participants of BLUES project exchanges. To do so, we are going to also explain the future exchanges we are organising in Lund, IFAT 2022 (Munich), and European Water Technology Week 2022 (Leeuwarden).
At the end of the session, one SME will present its experience with BLUESXchanges participating in a Group Exchange in Aquatech.

Agenda of the webinar:

  • 15.00-15.15 ClusterXchange programme: objectives, eligibility criteria, rules, benefits, procedures (María Benito, ZINNAE)
  • 15.15-15.35 Next BLUESXchanges:
    • Lund (Katherina Ulrich, BalticNet-PlasmaTec)
    • IFAT 2022 (Marisa Fernández, ZINNAE)
    • European Water Technology Week 2022 (Oriane Marchal, France Water Team)
  • 15.35-15.40 Success stories (Javier Salamero, ACAI Depuración)
  • 15.40-15.50 Q&A