The ECCP hosted a preparatory webinar on April 5th at 11:00-12:30 CET, to provide information on the upcoming ‘Clusters meet Regions’ event and accompanying matchmaking event that will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 26th-27th April 2022.
The webinar was an informative event designed to equip attendees with all the preparatory information they could need before the main event. Introducing the topics that will be addressed at the main event the webinar will provide useful background information on topics such as responses to supply chain disruptions, cluster activities and the challenges posed to these activities by the current geopolitical situation.
The purpose of the webinar is to help participants better prepare for the main event in Vilnius and determine what elements of the programme are most relevant to them.
Hybrid Matchmaking Sessions – Wednesday, 27th of April 2022 CET. An opportunity to network within the European cluster and business community through pre-scheduled one-on-one virtual meetings.
11:00 – 11:05: Welcome to the preparatory webinar, overview on housekeeping rules - Teodora Jilkova, Team Member of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform
11:05 – 11:15: Introduction: The European Commission’s actions to help industry strengthen resilience and address geopolitical challenges - Jakub Boratyński, Director for Network & Governance, DG GROW, European Commission
11:15 – 11:25: Lithuanian clusters driving economic development - Kristina Šermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė, Coordinator at AGRIFOOD LITHUANIA DIH/Cluster Manager Digital Innovations
11:25 – 12:00: Challenges and prospects for key sectors and ecosystems
- Automotives - Aleksander Lazarevic, DG GROW I2: Mobility
- Agri-food – Hélène-Diane Dage, DG GROW F3: Food, retail, health
- Plastics – Olga Pozlevič, DG GROW I3: Green and circular economy
- Semiconductors–Cesare Dunker, DG GROW G3: International value chains
- Photovoltaics – Daniel Gerber, DG GROW I3: Green and circular economy
- Wood industries – Pieter Staelens, DG GROW H1: Construction
12:00 – 12:10: Funding opportunities and financial schemes - Marco Francini, Head of Office, European Investment Bank, Regional Group Office for the Baltic States
12:10 – 12:20: Regional approach: Supply chains and Baltic clusters - Dr. Jan-Philipp Kramer, Team Leader ‘Data & Policy‘, ECCP / Prognos AG
12:20 – 12:30: Practical information on 26th & 27th April - Teodora Jilkova, Team Member of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform
‘Clusters meet Regions’ in Lithuania
The event is organised by the European Commission, in collaboration with the Lithuanian Ministry of the Economy and Innovation, European Cluster Collaboration Platform, AgriFood Lithuania DIH, and the Lithuanian Food Exporters Association.
It is aimed at companies, cluster organisations, Enterprise Europe Network representatives, other business support organisations and national/regional public authorities specifically from the Baltic Sea region, but also from other EU Member States/regions and other COSME participating countries interested in cooperation.