Shortages in raw materials and the need to reduce the usage of fossil fuels draw our attention to bio-based materials to replace non-renewable fossil raw materials in the European value chains. Potentially, most products based on fossil fuels that are produced today could be made from biological material. This shift is important to reach the EU’s climate targets described in the European Green Deal, as the production of renewable, bio-based products and materials from biomass or waste can contribute greatly to achieving climate neutrality. Furthermore, it can help to improve Europe’s resilience and support the economic growth.
In this context, the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, DG GROW, organised the EU Clusters Talk on 7 September 2022, 8:30 – 9:30 CEST, to discuss bio-based materials as replacements of fossil-fuelled raw materials, the potential for the green transition, existing solutions, and the roll-out for the industry.
Watch the video recording
The EU Bioeconomy strategy: Progress report was presented by:
- Maarit Nyman, Deputy Head of the SME Unit, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW), European Commission.
A panel debate followed, with expert insights from:
Bérénice Kimpe, EU project manager, competitiveness cluster XYLOFUTUR
Katarína Blicklingová, Director, Bioeconomy Cluster
Marta Macías Aragonés, Consultant, Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA)
Samuele Ambrosetti, Innovation & Programming, Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC)
For further information, read the event summary.
EU Clusters Talks: The bi-weekly meeting point for the cluster community
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform invites the cluster community to a regular online meeting to discuss up-to-date insights into the latest industrial policies and cluster activities, cluster knowledge, best practices, the latest ECCP news, and funding opportunities.
The EU Clusters Talks take place every two weeks. Information on the next Talks will be published on the website – stay tuned for more!