3D printed Do-It-Yourself Face Mask

By: Louise Gubanski
Created: 2 April 2020 - 08:04
Updated: 2 April 2020 - 09:04

Since the beginning of the Corona pandemic, the Institute for Business and Technology Management (IBT) at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld has been testing the generative 3D printing of protective masks against the Corona in the innovation laboratory Digitalization INNODIG. The production of DIY face masks has now started at the INNODIG with the new 3D printer Sinterit Lisa Pro. To find out what they look like and how they can be used, click here: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/ibtfacemask

The Environmental Campus is partner of the two networks Ecoliance Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. and the INTERREG V A Greater Region project GREATER GREEN.

If you have any question, please feel free to contact Prof. Dr. Henrik te Heesen, Professor in the Department of Environmental Planning and Technology, in the field of Mechanical Engineering:

+49 6782 17-1908, h.teheesen [at] umwelt-campus.de