KPIs for ecosystems

By: Nina Hoppmann
Created: 5 May 2020 - 08:05
Updated: 5 May 2020 - 09:05

The coronavirus crisis is showing us that our sectors - and ecosystems - are closely linked together. Disruptions of value chains in one ecosystem can have a significant impact in another. To analyse the situations in sectors and ecosystems, the European Clusters Alliance is thinking about a holistic approach: we need to determine how changes in one ecosystems affect the others, and build co-evolving ecosystems which are driven by synergy (image, stage 3). The question is: How can we monitor the performance of our ecosystems? Which KPIs (Key performance Indicators) can we use? And how can we make our ecosystems more resilient

Co-evolving ecosystems

image © Athanasios Konstandopoulos, CPERI/CERT