Support and cooperation - Aviation Industry

By: Gabriela Ryczek
Created: 29 April 2020 - 10:04
Updated: 29 April 2020 - 11:04

The mission of the Silesian Aviation Cluster is to create conditions for continious cooperation between aviation sector companies and institutions having a direct and indirect impact on the development of the industry, business enviroment institutions, financial institutions as well as science and R&D institutions.

The aviation industry is one of the worst affected by the virus pandemic COVID 19. Currently we have a possibility to develop specific solutions for the most disadvantaged in the aviation production industry.  Cooperation within this industry is needed to provide funding for the implementation of new innovative solutions and for research by the aviation industry. It will be possible by supporting each other and the exchange of views, problems and experiences.

29 April 2020
Communication with other aviation clusters

Thank you for sharing the inforation. Are you in touch as well with other European clusters in the filed of aviation to search for joint solutions?

Silesian Aviation Cluster
30 April 2020
Communication with other aviation clusters

Yes,  we cooperate with some European Clusters and we are also a member of some organisations and network where we sharing of experiences and that supports the implementation of concrete projects regarding cluster innovation and where we trying to search a joint solutions.

Joanna Wagner
4 May 2020
Cut & Sew services for new upholstery and seat covers

4 drive & aviation. We offer: Sewing services of protective masks, cutting, slicing, sewing on a sewing machine, sewing of protective masks.

Our website:

Nina Hoppmann
4 May 2020
Sewing services

Hi Joanna! The sewing services that you mention, who do you offer them to and what are the conditions?

Joanna Wagner
13 May 2020
Sewing services

Hi, Nina!

Unfortunately, the company has given up this form of help, so the above sewing services that I mentioned is now out of date.

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