Basque Ecodesign Meeting 2020

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 12 February 2020

When did you touch 150 ecodesigned industrial products “Made in the Basque Country”? 700 professionals will meet 55 companies sharing practical knowledge on how to make more business, greening products and services by Life Cycle Thinking. TheBasque Ecodesign Meeting 2020 will be held in Bilbao (Spain) on 26th and 27th of February 2020, hosted by the Ihobe Circular Economy Agency in collaboration with 13 industrial regional clusters in the automotive, energy, logistics, mobility, construction and food value chains. Ecodesign and Circular Business Models challenges and driving forces will be addressed to increase the green committment of the top management level (CEOs). Showing results of 20 years making Green Economy happen through public-private partnerships.

The 2020 edition of the Basque Ecodesign Meeting, the biggest event on eco-design and circular economy in Southern Europe, will gather specialists in industrial product design from all over Europe to analyse the implications that the transition towards a circular economic model will have for industry in Europe and to debate the business opportunities and improvements in business competitiveness that this model offers.

Over the course of two days dedicated to companies and industry representatives, participants will address topics such as:

  • Servitization
  • Product design for the environment
  • Planned and perceived obsolescence
  • Ecodesign, ecoinnovation
  • Circular economy
  • Green industry 4.0
  • Life cycle analysis (LCA)
  • Environmental product declaration (EPD)
  • Remanufacturing, or product service systems (PSS)

The first day will focus on analyzing green market trends and business challenges for materials and products (competitiveness, the eco-design directive, "product value retention", materials, information transparency)

The second day will show how 50 Basque companies (all of them in the exhibition) manage to improve and grow their business by incorporating eco-design and the Life Cycle Thinking, both in B2B sectors (metal, automotive, mobility, machinery and electrical equipment) and in B2C (consumer goods, furniture, chemistry, building materials and food). 

The registration link is available here

For more information please visit the event website

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