Stakeholder's Consultation on the European Data-driven Economy
DG CONNECT, Unit G3 "Data Value Chain" would like to get input to their stakeholder consultation that will contribute to the definition of future initiatives for the data-driven economy.
As part of this targeted consultation by DG CONNECT, Unit G3 "Data Value Chain", the following questionnaire will gather facts and views on the role and impacts of data-driven innovation in several economic sectors. It has two main objectives:
1. on the one hand, to understand the use of (big) data analytics in decision-making, business processes and emerging business models, and
2. on the other hand, to gather insight on the characteristics of a functioning data ecosystem in your specific domain and identify existing or potential barriers to the development of data-driven industrial sectors in Europe.
The questionnaire takes about twenty minutes to complete. We would be grateful if you could send back the filled questionnaire by 15 September 2015.
Thank you for your time and input.
The Cluster collaboration animation team