AFRICA: #Africa vs Virus Challenge

DEADLINE: 19 April 2020

The AFDB Innovation and Entrepreneurship Lab is organising the #AfricaVsVirus Challenge as an opportunity to create tech and non-tech solutions to tackle some of the most pressing challenges created by the coronavirus pandemic. The organisation is calling on socially committed citizens worldwide, problem solvers, creative minds, health experts, programmers, graphic and web-designers to come together in a 72-hour digital collaborative process to nurture ground-breaking solutions to address some of the social and economic challenges posed by the crisis.

Have you identified a problem that is caused by the corona crisis? Do you want to take part in the Ideathon and develop solutions to tackle the Virus in Africa?

Then please check the AFDB challenge webpage to learn more and submit your solution until the 19th of April 2020. @AFDB

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