DEADLINE: 11 May 2020

An existing call for emergency management has been recently updated in the face of the corona crisis with an increased budget (EUR 13 million) under OP Environment Quality (ESIF). The call is primarily intended for the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic and organisations under MoI SR (e.g. integrated rescue systems), but also for self-governing regions, municipalities and associations of municipalities. The main activity has to be focused on the reduction of negative impacts related to the spread of COVID-19.

Supported sub-activities are as follows:

A1: Optimissation of systems and services for the management of emergency cases at both local and regional level;

A2: Provision of special equipment necessary for timely and effective intervention;

A3: Support of measures focused on training, education, exchange of information and experience.

The co-financing rate accounts for 95%. More information (in Slovak language) is available here.

To discuss this topic in the COVID-19 Forum, please follow this link.

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