Circular Economy Cluster looking to join a Consortium for Cluster Excelence Call
Éa éco-entreprises is a French cluster situated in the South of France counting around 160 actors, mostly SMEs, working for circular economy.
We are also the regional delegation of the French national Cluster for Water (Aquavalley). Our SMEs members are working at different levels of the circular economy approach, such as waste and water management, renewable energy or pulluted soils, nature based sollutions. We are working closely with region SUD (one of our fiancers) on all the topics linked to environement and circularity.
We have 25 years of experience and will be glad to share our best practicies, but also leant from you in terms of : networking, innovative think taks, collaborative projects for cluster members, capacity building and taining, cleantech SMEs fiancing...
We are looking forward to collaborate with you !