TECES, Innovation Cluster from Slovenia is looking for consortia under COS-LINKPP-2020-2-05 call
TECES, Slovenian Energy Cluster as innovation cluster (87 members), established in 2001, is looking for Consortia to join under COS-LINKPP-2020-2-05 call. We are in NEED to establish INNOVATION BROKER position inside our organisation, due increasing demand on side of our members and governmental stakeholders as Ministry of defence SI. TECES is active on tech fields of energy, energy efficient solutions, digitalisation, smart grids, smart buildings, smart devices, industry 4.0.
TECES Services, access to: 1) Joint research, development, technological and demonstration project, 2) strategic partnerships and value chains, 3) Internationalisation and international cooperation, 4) Trainings and human resources development, 5) Cooperation with the Government
Consortia shold Leader should derive from EU member state as Austria, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands or Norway with participation in InnoBroker 1 pilot project or Procure2Innvoate project. Partners could be from all other EU MS not participating in above projects as (France, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia).
Contact us: [email protected] .
More about us: https://www.teces.si/en/news/latest-news.html
More about COS-LINKPP-2020-2-05 call here: https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/other_eu_prog/cosme/wp-call/call-fiche_cos-linkpp-2020-2-05_en.pdf
The activities of the Innovation Procurement Broker are not limited to precommercial procurement (i.e. for solutions not yet on the market). Scaling up of innovation is a key component of the Innovation Procurement Broker's function. Must focus on those innovative products and services that are either completely new on the market (this includes research & development) or completely new for the public buyers. These innovative products and services must have a clear potential for commercialisation, for scaling up and creating added value to the European economy. This excludes innovation projects that are based on already established products or services that are just being incrementally improved (e.g. an upgrade to IT infrastructure as part of regular product development)
TECES FUTURE position of innovation borker will have a thematic focus evironmental sustainability and energy efficiency, e-mobility, digital transformation and modernisation of public services within the European Single Market.