Up to 60k€ funding for innovation projects between Biopharma and IT SMEs

Submitted by Kerstin Goos on 23 January 2017

PERMIDES is one out of five European INNOSUP-1-2015 – Cluster facilitated projects for new value chains projects (funded under EC Call for proposal: H2020-INNOSUP-2015-1).

It is the aim of PERMIDES to strengthen the competitiveness and foster the innovation potential of Personalized Medicine as an Emerging Industry in Europe by providing key solutions for the reconfiguration of the biopharmaceutical value chain towards a Health Economy 4.0. Current value chain challenges lie in e.g. data gathering and exchange, big data and machine learning, or new software-based marketing methods based. As a cross-cutting industry, the ICT and software sector is an enabler of innovation in many industries and therefore provides a broad knowledge base of processes and best practice solutions in diverse industrial contexts and business environments.

PERMIDES aims at bringing together SMEs from the biopharmaceutical and IT sector to advance precision medicine through the development of novel digital solutions along the biopharmaceutical value chain. SMEs from the biopharmaceutical sector can apply for consulting, prototyping and customised solution vouchers totalling up to EUR 60,000. SMEs from the IT sector get access to partners and new customers from the biopharmaceutical sector to apply and adapt their solutions to SMEs developing novel personalized medicine products. Innovation vouchers will cover their expenses, and the knowledge gained during these projects may create new products and business opportunities. About 90 innovation projects will be supported by the voucher scheme.

The call will open on March 1st 2017, but a pre-registration is open already now:


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