Annual Report 2016

Submitted by Mathieu Charbonneau on 29 November 2016

A year full of new developments leading to significant advances!

MONTREAL, June 3, 2016 – CargoM, Logistics and Transportation Metropolitan Cluster of Montreal yesterday presented its 2015-2016 annual report in front of more than 100 people at its annual meeting of members. Over the last year, it played an active role in the development of structuring projects aimed at improving the flow of the movement of goods and promoting the city as a hub of freight transport and logistics.

“We are very pleased to present this fourth annual report of the Logistics and Transportation Metropolitan Cluster of Montreal, CargoM. Our organization continues to show that Greater Montreal is the efficient gateway in North America for the supply chain and freight transport. The last twelve months showcased the many actions carried out by the staff and members involved in our industrial cluster,” said Mathieu Charbonneau, Executive Director of CargoM.

2015-2016 highlights

  • Phase 1 of the technological tool for truckers, CargoMobile, has been completed and is available at
  • Funding from the PRAM-Est program allocated by the City of Montreal and Transport Canada helped CargoM work on the Ottoview project to gather data that will improve the flow of truck traffic in Montreal East, a major issue for the industry.
  • Development is underway for a logistics promotional tool to attract large foreign companies to this hub and thereby benefit from the business opportunities available in the city, to the benefit of our supply chain.
  • The information sharing system – intermodal logistics (ISS-IL) is in development to enable better understanding of the volumes of containers that truckers will be moving in and out of terminals.
  • Recognized collaborative partnership on the project to optimize the Highway 25 corridor, access to the Port of Montreal and the Sherbrooke interchange.
  • The Cargo Logistics Canada conference was a great success with more than 1,200 participants and about 120 key players from across the country, held for the first time on Montreal soil.
  • The “Follow the Container” game to interest young people in a career in the freight transport and logistics industry was produced and will be distributed in the coming year through various secondary schools.
  • Increased presence on social media made it possible to boost the reach of Greater Montreal’s supply chain and effectively communicate relevant information on the transport and logistics industry.

“I am very pleased to stay involved in the cluster. The coming year will bring several opportunities that will make it possible to help develop Greater Montreal’s supply chaing. We will continue to work in concert to develop industry projects to the benefit all players in Greater Montreal’s logistics and transportation chain,” said Sylvie Vachon, President and CEO of the Montreal Port Authority and Chair of the CargoM Board of Directors.

High satisfaction with the work carried out by CargoM

“We conducted a survey of members’ views on CargoM activities, and close to 90% of them said they were satisfied or very satisfied with our various achievements to date. This is excellent news as these results show recognition of the work accomplished so far by our team dedicated to the developing the metropolitan hub. We noted the different suggestions on how to take our projects even further. They will guide us during the implementation of  new strategic directions,” concluded Mathieu Charbonneau.

Cluster organisation
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