BRAVE Project - Multi-country testing of automated driving on open roads

Submitted by Florent ANON on 29 June 2018

In June 2018, BRAVE (H2020 R&I funded-project) partners in France and Slovenia have conducted similar trials of automated driving on open roads. The underlying idea of the tests is to analyze the feelings of the participants towards automated driving features, before and after using the technology.

The study is based on the Van der Laan scale, as well as the SHAPE Automation Trust Index (SATI), to assess the levels of acceptance and trust in the system. Those tests have already been replicated in Sweden, France, and Slovenia. During the coming months, similar test sessions will be organized in Spain and Germany as well. This ‘multi-country’ test will also allow the project to better understand how users interact with the system and analyze the possible cultural variations across the EU.


Tests in France were conducted together by UTAC CERAM and Mov’eo on June 12th. 13 participants had the opportunity to experience the Autopilot system aboard a Tesla X model. A 15 kilometers drive next to UTAC premises was defined, including highways.

Journalists also took part in the tests. The analysis (in French) of Manon LAMOUREUX from Flottes Automobiles blog can be found here.


BRAVE Slovenian partner AMZS organized the tests on June 14th in Ljubljana. Participants experienced the automated driving features of the Mercedes S model.

The details and videos are available on AMZS website (in Slovenian) here:

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