Hackaton - December 2018 in Burgas

Submitted by Petko Georgiev on 29 March 2019

From the 14th to the 16th of December, 2018,  "Hackathon Burgas 2018" was held, aimed at people with interests in the field of software development, design, information technology and innovative products. 63 contestants from 15 teams participated in the competition.

Host of the competition was University prof. dr. Asen Zlatarov Burgas. It was organized together with:

The municipality of Burgas,  The Software company TechnoLogica,   Innovative Systems – Burgas, Profiled Mathematics High School "Acad. Nikola Obreshkov", Professional High School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics "Konstantin Fotinov", Professional High School for Computer Programming and Innovations, Professional High School of Mechanical Engineering and Electronics. The purpose of the competition was to bring together programmers, designers, public and healthcare professionals and entrepreneurs together to propose a concept for a software product and start working on its development.The theme of Hackatan 2018 was "Active Burgas".

Sponsors of the event were: TechnoLogica, ScaleFocus, Musala Soft,  ICT Cluster Burgas, Codific, "Deva Maria" Hospital, J-Soft, ERP Bulgaria, EPAM Bulgaria, Bulgarian Outsourcing Association, Sutherland, Superhosing.bg, Union Of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities (UBBSLA), Student Council of the University "Prof. Dr. A. Zlatarov " - Burgas.

Union Of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities (UBBSLA) http://www.ubbsla.org has awarded the participating teams with material prizes as well as choosing their favorite for development in the following areas:

Innovative social technologies and services that help older people and people with disabilities become more independent and self-sufficient Develop products, services and solutions to help meet the social and health challenges of an aging society Development of technology solutions used mainly by or in support of staff providing or performing social services.  

INSYS LTD offered to the participating students in the Hackathon an opportunity for quick and free registration in the innovative labor portal https://www.ito.bg/bg , where the best of them will be interviewed by German employers in the information and communication technology sector. Virtual interviews are the shortest way for a successful career, internship and work for German companies during their student preparation.

ICT Cluster – Burgas presented its newest project https://startuphub.bg/, which is entirely in support of young entrepreneurs in Bulgaria. Anyone who wants to understand how to set up their StartUp, build a business model for their innovative idea, and undergo intensive vocational training for entrepreneurial skills, management and business, will be able to apply for a completely free training program tailored to the workload of students at the University. The best candidates will also receive individual help and advice to create a profitable business plan and business registration. A special Entrepreneurial StartUp package will stimulate successful young entrepreneurs with financial, legal, management and communication services.

Ranking of students:

First place, team D2

Second place, teams PizzaCode and Untitled1

Third Place, teams DucktSoft, IndexOutOfRange, InfraBlue

Special prize for „Flying start“ team VisualSoft Special prize for „Flying start“ team ProgrammingPaper Special prize for „First-class idea“ team  Eternity Software Special prize for „Idea to support the social digital market“ team Team without soul Special prize for „Best idea for kids“ team The script Special prize for „Attractive presentation“ team ShrekTech

Students:First place, team AtomSecond place, team HotsThird place, team Devcon I

You can see detailed information on the site of the initiativehttp://hackathon.chemguide.info/index.html

Hackaton - December 2018 in Burgas
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