Inspiration for Improving Digitalisation Support Through Clusters

Submitted by Juan José Ortega on 13 March 2020

At the INNO Industry interregional meeting in Krems, 03-05 March 2020, 50 participants gathered on-site and online to share inspiring best practices on how to support SMEs in their digital transformation. Some examples: The Slovenian Enterprise fund provides digitalisation vouchers to SMEs; the Lower Austrian “House of Digitalisation” connects digital technology hubs to the needs of SMEs in the region; the Hungarian “Industry 4.0 Showcase Factory” programme provides comprehensive support to SMEs; AMUEBLA developed easy to use e-learning tools on digitalisation for furniture companies; the region Buckinghampshire provides open data for business development; the Swedish “Kick-off Digitalisation” initiative helps SMEs better understand what digitalisation can bring to them. Other cases addressed the support for ecosystems or clusters, providing the breeding ground for digital innovation.

During the study visit at the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, partners learned from the research centre for personalized music therapy about their insights in building and measuring trust between humans. At the eVRyLab, one of the hubs of the Lower Austrian House of Digitalisation, participants had the opportunity to test the OmniDeck – a circular “treadmill” that enables physical movement in virtual environments. All INNO Industry best practices will be available at our project website:

Cluster organisation
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