Interreg Danube project FORESDA successfully started

Submitted by Kerstin Goos on 02 February 2017

On Tuesday, 07.03.2017, the public kickoff meeting of the FORESDA project will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia in the framework of the HOME Fair DOM (

We kindly invite SMEs, municipalities, research centres and public audience to join this event in order to get a first overview on the challenges that will be addressed by FORESDA. FORESDA – ‘Forest-based cross sectoral value chains fostering innovation and competitiveness in the Danube Region’ was built-up in order to support the transformation of traditional forest-based industries towards digitalisation and to strengthen their competitiveness. Forest-based industries have the potential to become the engine for sustainable and competitive bio economy in the Danube Region. Unfortunately they suffer from significant disparities, low level of digitalisation and internationalization, lack of cooperation, weak innovation culture, etc.

Through its activities, FORESDA aims at transforming the traditional forest-based areas into innovative, modern areas, but also at developing innovation-friendly ecosystems to improve or reconfigure the existing value chains. In addition, FORESDA seeks to improve the innovation culture in SMEs and to strengthen collaboration in quadruple helix clusters by implementing new ways of collaboration in the Danube area. Its objectives will strongly support knowledge transfer, collaboration and innovation towards a more resource and energy efficient and environmentally sustainable Danube region.

If you´re interested in the above mentioned activities or even in getting involved as a stakeholder of the project, please join our kickoff meeting in Ljubljana! Agenda will be set online soon!

Project co-funded by the European Union

Cluster organisation
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