Nature Based Solutions Handbook

Submitted by Cristina Casian on 22 June 2020

TRIGeau project (Transfrontierity, Resilience, Innovation, Governance) funded by Interreg Marritimo cross-border Programe aims to reduce the risks of flooding in  the context of urbanisation  and impermeabilisation of urban areas.The project aims to strengthen the resilience of territories and  to restore the water cycle. It promotes green infrastructure (open land reclamation, soil drainage, rainwater storage) to better manage water runoff, promote infiltration and reduce the effect of runoff.

One of the project's results is a handbook obased on Nature Based Solutions Best Practives. The handbook addresses to the public authotities and decision makers and aims to show that the NBS are cost-effective, simultaneously provide environmental, social and economic benefits and help build reilience.

Cluster organisation
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