The NESSIE project consortium has announced in Genoa the launch of the first phase of the tender to implement projects demonstrating anti-corrosion solutions in the North Sea

Submitted by Ander González on 01 June 2018

The tender is divided into two phases. The first is aimed at the selection of promoters and developers interested in participating in the initiative and the exhibition of the demonstrator projects. The second phase, planned for the end of September, will focus on the proposal of innovative solutions by the value chain.

On 29th May, within the framework of the second international NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) conference organised in Genoa, the NESSIE consortium presented the first phase of the tender aimed at the launch and implementation of projects demonstrating anti-corrosion solutions for offshore renewable energy. The call will be officially opened on Wednesday 6th June, whereby all of the information is available for interested parties on the project website (

Once the three most interesting proposals have been selected, a new phase will be launched in September in which companies and consortia will be called to present collaboration proposals with the selected developers. The winning proposals will enjoy a direct relationship with a key client, as well as the support of the entities that form part of the NESSIE consortium in activities such as the definition of the business plan, the search for funding or access to new clients.

The NESSIE project is funded by the European Commission's DG MARE and is coordinated by Scottish Enterprise (Scotland). It includes the participation of the regions of Asturias, Flanders (Belgium), Emilia-Romagna (Italy), Lombardy (Italy), Skåne (Sweden) and the Basque Country, represented by the Basque Energy Cluster.

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